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I own about 20+ film cameras. The ones that I use the most often are these three:
Hasselblad 500CM
Nikon F3
Pentax Auto 110
(This list changes often..)
My current camera obsession is the mini Pentax Auto 110 with the 24mm F2.4 lens.
It’s so tiny 🤏. To help you understand my current obsession with this camera - I have 6 of them. Not because they break easily, it’s more like that I’d find them them for less than $30 on eBay, and it was hard to pass them on.
I find myself really enjoy shooting through 24mm, 50mm, and 105mm focal lengths.
Some of my favorite lenses are:
Nikkor 24mm F2.8 non ai
Nikkor 105mm F1.8 ai-s
Pentax Auto 110 24mm F2.8
Pentax 67 105mm F2.4 SMC
Hasselblad Planar 80mm F2.8
If you’ve been following my page for a while, you knew how devastated I was when FujiFilm discontinued Pro 400H.
However, I have found another stock that works for most of my works, and does as well as the job in rendering skintones as the Fuji.
Current favorite stocks are:
Lomography 800 (rated at 400)
Kodak Gold 200
Fujifilm Superia 400 (soon to be RIP…)
Lomography Tiger CN200
Kodak Portra 800
Ilford Ortho 80 (rated at 64)
If you are in New York City, I highly suggest picturehouse+thesmalldarkroom and CRC VISTA Imaging Groups.
If you are looking for mail-in option, I recommend thedarkroom.com.
It depends on the scans. Just like how we would adjust the colors in the darkroom to the way that we think it’s “correct” to your vision. I also use digital tools to help me see image in different ways.
You can find a step-by-step breakdown of what I look for in the color grading process.
For business inquiries, please email underdvlp@gmail.com.