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  • I own about 20+ film cameras. The ones that I use the most often are these three:

    • Hasselblad 500CM

    • Nikon F3

    • Pentax Auto 110

    (This list changes often..)

  • My current camera obsession is the mini Pentax Auto 110 with the 24mm F2.4 lens.

    It’s so tiny 🤏. To help you understand my current obsession with this camera - I have 6 of them. Not because they break easily, it’s more like that I’d find them them for less than $30 on eBay, and it was hard to pass them on.

  • I find myself really enjoy shooting through 24mm, 50mm, and 105mm focal lengths.

    Some of my favorite lenses are:

    • Nikkor 24mm F2.8 non ai

    • Nikkor 105mm F1.8 ai-s

    • Pentax Auto 110 24mm F2.8

    • Pentax 67 105mm F2.4 SMC

    • Hasselblad Planar 80mm F2.8

  • If you’ve been following my page for a while, you knew how devastated I was when FujiFilm discontinued Pro 400H.

    However, I have found another stock that works for most of my works, and does as well as the job in rendering skintones as the Fuji.

    Current favorite stocks are:

    • Lomography 800 (rated at 400)

    • Kodak Gold 200

    • Fujifilm Superia 400 (soon to be RIP…)

    • Lomography Tiger CN200

    • Kodak Portra 800

    • Ilford Ortho 80 (rated at 64)

  • If you are in New York City, I highly suggest picturehouse+thesmalldarkroom and CRC VISTA Imaging Groups.

    If you are looking for mail-in option, I recommend thedarkroom.com.

  • It depends on the scans. Just like how we would adjust the colors in the darkroom to the way that we think it’s “correct” to your vision. I also use digital tools to help me see image in different ways.

    You can find a step-by-step breakdown of what I look for in the color grading process.

  • For business inquiries, please email underdvlp@gmail.com.